
A Day in the Buddha’s Life
Relying on the early texts, Ven. Dhammika describes the Buddha’s daily life twenty-five hundred years ago. From detailing how he ate to whom he taught, the picture that emerges helps ground and deepen faith.

“Being Ordained” & “The Path of an Excellent Life”: Two Talks by Luang Por Baen
Luang Por Baen, a leading figure in the Thai Forest Tradition, was known for his stirring and direct teachings. These two talks allow readers a glimpse into profound wisdom based on a life of practice.

Meditation & Insight: Teachings from the Late Ven. Ñāṇadīpa’s Forty Years in the Forest
By the time of his passing in 2020, Ven. Ñāṇadīpa was widely known for having spent over forty years wandering Sri Lanka. The second installment of his teachings provides insight into the higher levels of meditation and represents one of his final gifts.

Wandering & Study: Teachings from the Late Ven. Ñāṇadīpa’s Forty Years in the Forest
By the time of his passing in 2020, Ven. Ñāṇadīpa was widely known for having spent over forty years wandering Sri Lanka. These teachings, on everything from dealing with elephants to interpreting the Buddhist scriptures, represent one of his final gifts.

Teachings for a Pandemic: Handwritten Dhamma from Ajahn Jayasaro
Ajahn Jayasaro, a senior monk of the Thai Forest Tradition, offers advice of special relevance during a year of crisis, from speaking skillfully with family while quarantined to dealing the death of loved ones.

Reflections from Emptiness: Dhamma Quotes on the Path from Ajahn Anan
Thai Forest master and disciple of the late Ajahn Chah, Ajahn Anan Akiñcano is known for his focus on mindfulness of the body and loving-kindenss. This collection of brief teachings stresses both and describes aspects of practice as found in the Thai Forest Tradition.

Becoming Fearless: Loving-Kindness Meditation
Khenmo Drolma reflects on how the teachings of her lineage’s founder, Jigten Sumgön (1143– 1217), allowed her to move past the death of her brother and feel compassion even for his killer. Her instructions provide a detailed guide to loving-kindness meditation for all practitioners.

Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi on the Three Reflections of a Renunciant
In elaborating on three basic themes the Buddha exhorted his monastics to regularly recollect, Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi describes a path towards humility and grace accessible to all practitioners.