Three Years of Wandering | Tan Pamutto with Ajahn Sona

Three Years of Wandering | Tan Pamutto with Ajahn Sona
In 2015, after seven years in various monasteries, ‘Tahn’ Pamutto began a period of ascetic wandering practice and came to the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts. Over the next three years, he often dwelt in the forest and ate almsfood placed in his bowl, living up to some of the most rigorous forest monk practices. He traveled constantly by foot, seeking new ways to develop his practice and delighting in the community and support he found along the way. He is currently looking to found a community in Massachusetts (https://www.upavana.org/).
Becoming:Why Public Speaking is More Terrifying than Worldwide Nuclear Destruction | Ajahn Amaro

Becoming: Why Public Speaking is More Terrifying than Worldwide Nuclear Destruction | Ajahn Amaro
Ordained for over forty years, Ajahn Amaro trained under Ven. Ajahn Sumedho in the lineage of the Thai forest master, Ven. Ajahn Chah. He helped found Abhayagiri Monastery in California and is the current abbot of Amaravati Monastery in the UK.
The Pleasure of Release | Ajahn Sucitto

The Pleasure of Release | Ajahn Sucitto
Ordained for over forty years, Ajahn Sucitto trained under Ven. Ajahn Sumedho in the lineage of the Thai forest master, Ven. Ajahn Chah. He was part of the group that established Cittaviveka, Chithurst Forest Monastery, in England.
Purifying the Heart | Ajahn Candasiri

Purifying the Heart | Ajahn Candasiri
Ordained for nearly forty years, Ajahn Candasiri is the most senior sīladhārā nun of the Ajahn Chah Thai Forest Lineage. After helping found Chithurst and Amaravati monasteries in England, she moved to Milntuim Hermitage in Scotland where she now resides.
Engaging the 16 Steps of Breath Meditation | Ajahn Pasanno

Engaging the 16 Steps of Breath Meditation | Ajahn Pasanno
A monk of over forty years, Ajahn Pasanno is the most senior ordained disciple of Ajahn Chah in the United States. He helped found Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery in Redwood Valley, California, where he currently resides.
Q & A with the Buddhist Community at Stanford | Ajahn Jayasaro

Q & A with the Buddhist Community at Stanford | Ajahn Jayasaro
Ajahn Jayasaro, a senior monk in the Thai Forest Tradition and a disciple of Ajahn Chah, speaks with the Buddhist Community at Stanford (BCAS) about his work in Thailand’s schools, finding an appropriate teacher, how to approach conflict, and other aspects of the practice.
A Beautiful Truth | Ayya Anandabodhi
The Buddha’s Birth | Ajahn Jayasāro Reads Grevel Lindop
Few have told the story of the Buddha’s life as well as Grevel Lindop in his poem, “Touching the Earth”. Ajahn Jayasāro’s reading of an excerpt from the epic infuses the story of the Bodhisatta’s birth with faith come from of a life of practice. A PDF of the full poem can be found at https://www.fourthmessenger.org.
Three Reflections of a Renunciant | Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi
Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi speaks on the three themes the Buddha said should be reflected upon by “one who has gone forth” in Sutta 101 of the Anguttara Nikāya. A relevant teaching for all practitioners, this talk was given at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery, California, in 2007. An accompanying article may be found at https://www.fourthmessenger.org.