For a schedule of upcoming livestreams, online retreats, and virtual teachings from monastics, see the calendars below. Though we try to keep listings up-to-date, there is variability and visitors are encouraged to check the linked site to confirm details. To tell us of an out-of-date or unlisted offering, please email fourthmessengereditorial@gmail.com. We would like to acknowledge Celia Ortiz and Xiaowei Fu for their invaluable work searching out new events and updating current ones. Their gift of time and attention helps others find the Dhamma.
To see events for a given day, click on the date. To search for a specific monastery or teacher use the drop-down menu. While the venue’s time is listed in the title, and fourthmessenger.org site’s time, Pacific, is listed in small text above, clicking on the event will display the event in your location’s time zone. Welcome!
Please not that, due to lack of volunteers, we may have to reduce the number of monasteries listed. If you would like join our team and help us continue to provide a robust selection of teachings, please contact fourthmessengereditorial@gmail.com. Thank you!